Here is the latest update from the beetle frontline. We just had a site visit and a successful demonstration of the dung beetle project with Peter Manyara.
Peter is the regional project coordinator for the marine plastics and coastal community initiative for the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN). The visit was organized by Juliet Lyon, from ParCo (Parceiros Comunitarios) and our very own beetles Ana Alecia Lyman and Lisa Chatnam. Thanks ladies!
Juliet Lyon started ParCo as a community led development program in Vilankulo, Mozambique. The program empowers women and communities to help remove plastic from Mozambique’s beaches. We are exploring ways that ParCo and The Dung Beetle Project can work together to address the problems of energy security and plastic pollution. Keep up the great work Juliet!
IUCN is a potential partner for the dung beetle project and this was a good chance for Peter to see the technology first-hand and meet the crew who made it happen. Peter loved the beetle and was particularly excited to see it unplugged from the mains power and running off of a generator directly from the produced gas. Hopefully we will see Peter again soon, maybe to talk about ocean plastic pollution from our very own beetle stage.
Viva Dung beetles!